Bali Carving Lessons
Create your own Bali experience

Mertarauh Bali Carving Lessons
Jl Tukad Bilok Gang Tukad Anyar  No. 10 Sanur,>
Tel: +62 81236304139

Kites Colouring Lessons

When you are in Bali you will definitely notice that Balinese people love kites. They are flying them in the sky almost all the time but these are not typical kites many time they are big as a human and are beautifully made they look like dignified creatures in the sky
Kites colouring is suitable for any ages kids or do not have to make it.our instructor made it already such as dragon kites, butterfly kites ,bird kites, dragonfly kites and much more.
Why not colouring your own?
I invite you to join a local people to colouring and fly Balinese kites.we will assist you depending on how much help will you need.
After it is done we will go to the beach or rice field to fly your kites.first we will explain the principles and after that you will be able to try by yourself.
This is the real Balinese experience with the real people. You will be amazed how much better your kites colouring by yourself and fly very high in the sky.
Learn colouring Balinese kites like a local and take that knowledge back home with you a new skill that you will be able to try with your families and is a great relaxed way to spend a day very different from all the tourist traps hustle and bustle.